Kiyo is a satyrical, mesmerizing platform-adventure with unprecedented pixel graphics. You are recruited to help the tiger-lynx Kiyo sabotage the evil bunny corporation that's draining his planet. Sneak in the shadows, master archery, swing with ninja ropes, crack tricky puzzles, and slay fluffy rabbits.
From the first moment you run Kiyo, you will be dragged into its unconventional world, that bears an eerie resemblance to our own. Prepare to be surprised by a bunch of funny characters, unexpected scenes and ultra detailed handcrafted scenarios. Traverse Rabbithole City's neighborhoods on foot and by metro, dive into tricky levels, let the story unfold before your eyes and get carried away by the amazing soundtrack. The game is built from the ground up, starting from a brand new 2D pixel art engine featuring 3D lighting and raytraced shadows, in order to offer a unique experience that will blow your mind.